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Flexible pricing

Marcode offers the most comprehensive coverage on the market. Our rich data is ROI positive for any medium and above sized brand.

Our standard pricing is below. If you have many brands, global reach, or complex needs, we can offer you a bespoke plan.

Brand protection

50 keywords monitored

Searches every six minutes

Advanced click analysis to uncover affiliate fraud

Competitor insights

Infringement detection

Email and chat alerts

per month
14 days, no credit card required

Automatically stop and start brand bidding based on competitive trends

Customisable thresholds and rules at the keyword level

Based on our industry-leading high-frequency monitoring

Fixed monthly cost

per month

All the benefits of Marcode

Billing via monthly invoices

Managed ad takedowns and safety complaints

Dedicated account manager

Affiliate network and BI integrations

API access and custom crawling

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